Turmeric plant - Curcuma longa L. (Syn. Curcuma domestica Val.)
Javanese turmeric - Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.

Ginger family (Zingiberaceae)


Throughout India (Maharasthra Tasabada 8. Bengal) cultivated. It is propogated by rhizomes in farms as condiment crop

A perennial herb, 60-90 cm in height, with a short stern and tufts of erect leaves, rhizome cylindric,ovoid, orange coloured and branched; leaves simple, very large, petiole as long as the blade. oblong-lanceolate, tapering to the base upto 45 cm long. flowers pale yellow in spikes concealed by the sheathing petioles. flowering bracts Pale green. Flowerring – fruiting January to April.

The rhizome contains carbohydrate. vitamin A, iron. resin. yellow pigment, curcumin, and essential oil consisting of sesguiterpenes, zingiberene, D – a – phellandrene, turrnerone dehydroturmerone. Yana a – alanto lactone. curcumene cineol,

Rhizomes (dried as well as fresh)

Rhizomes – bitter. acnd. astringent. pungent. aromatic, thermogenic, emollient, blood purifier. anodyne,anti-inllarnmatory, vulnerary. depuratrve. antiseptic. appetiser, carminative, stomachic. anthelmintic,iaxative. diuretic, expectorant, haematinic, styptic, wti periodic, alterative, alexetenc. detergent, stimulant,febrifuge, ophthalmic and tonic.

Rhizomes – are useful in vitiated conditions of Kapha and Pitta, inflammations, ulcers, wounds. leprosy,skin diseases, pruritus, allergic conditions and discolouration of the skin, anorexia, dyspepsia,flatulence, colic, helminthiasis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, constipation, strangury. coughs, asthma, bronchitis,hiccough. catarrh, anaemia, haemorrhages. haernoptysis, hepatomegaly, spenomegaly. fever,giddiness, urethrorrhea, elephantiasis, dropsy, hysteria, epilepsy, chronic otorrhoea. ringworm.gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea. arnenorrhcea, jaundice, coniunctivitis, general debility and promote healthy pancreas.